Reviewing Clearances 

Your Students have submitted clearances on, now as admin you will go to to review their information before Clearing students for participation.  


Home Campus > Clearances 




Here you will see all the sports that you have set up for 


If the Status is “Active”, it is live on If the status is “Closed” or "Pending", it will not be visible on the User side ( 


Reviewing Submissions 

Clearances>View (To view specific Sports) 

Clearances>View All Sports Activity (To view all submissions) 


Here are the students who have started/competed the process for Tennis, Boys in 2016-2017.  



Uncleared – Submitted by user, no admin action has been taken 

Cleared – Cleared for participation by admin 

Denied – Denied participation by admin 

Expiring Soon – Physical Expiration Date entered (see below) is approaching soon 

PHYSICAL EXPIRED – Physical Expiration Date entered (see below) has passed 


If all three steps of are “Complete”, admin can then go in and review student information by clicking on the yellow folder next to the student.  




Signatures Info – If you notice that the parent has signed all signature forms or visa versa, you may clear the signatures so that the User may go back in a resign with both parent and student. Users cannot edit the signatures after they have been completed UNLESS you “Reset Signatures” 

Physical Expiration Date – If a date is entered here, the system will notify specific admin, coaches and the User of upcoming physical expiration dates so that no student is participating while ineligible. This date can only be entered by admin.  


Clear Student – If all information seems to be in order, you may “Clear Student” which will then send an email to the User to inform them of their clearance.  


Deny Student – If a student need to be denied for any reason, admin may “Deny Student” and send a reason for denial to the User. Additional emails can be added as well as an alert sent to the AD or Coach.  

