If you are looking for extra games to play for your season or you are hosting a tournament and are looking for contestants then the Games Wanted feature is a good thing to use. First you will go to the left navigation bar, hover over "Forms", then click "Games Wanted". Here will be a list of all of the schools are looking for games to schedule. You can use the dropdown on the right of the screen to select the sport you are looking for and then click the filter button. Then you can scroll through the list to find a game that might work for you. The users will leave the contact information and you can email them or call the to schedule a game. Or you can click on the link that says "Let's Play" and it will send them an email through our system.
If you want to post a games wanted then you can just click on the "Add New" icon on the page and fill in the details for the game(s) that you are looking to play. Make sure you include your contact information including your email address and phone number. They can connect with you through CIF Home but it is always smart to leave other ways they can get in contact with you.