Confirmation Message & Clearance Message 


The Confirmation Message is viewed/sent at the end of the process. Many schools use this message as a second layer of security, requiring only one wet signature from students and parent/guardians.  


#1 - Text Field: Enter the message that you want your users to receive. 

#2 - Variable Text Options: Further customize your messages by including information in your message that was added when completing the Athletic Clearance process.

#3 - Activate: Make sure this box is checked off to ensure that your message is being sent out.

The Clearance Message is an email sent to the User after admin have cleared the student for participation.  

The Custom Physical message is shown on the Uploads page in the Athletic Clearance process. Add extra instructions that might be specific to your school's process and/or link in additional forms or resources.


Find these Custom Messages on the Clearance page under Custom Message Settings.