Athletic Clearance & Transfer Cases
If you are an user, we have just made your CIF Transfer process easier. Here is a brief summary of how the process will work.
- The Athletic Clearance User will be asked to fill out the Education History. If they indicate that "Student is Transferring from other school", they will now be prompted with additional questions. These are some of the basic info questions that you as admin must fill out of your CIF Home transfer forms.
- While reviewing your Clearances on Home Campus, if a student is a transfer you will see "Transfer Info Complete" with a button "Start Transfer on CIF Home". If a Transfer Form has already been started/completed for this student, it will say "Transfer Form Already Exists. Click only to overwrite!". If you do not "Start Transfer on CIF Home" nothing will happen. If you do want to push this information to CIF Home, click the "Start Transfer on CIF Home".
- On CIF Home, under Transfers/Cases, you will see a case "Pending AD Submission", this is the information from Athletic Of course you will need to review the information that was input by the parent and at the bottom of the page, you will choose the appropriate transfer type. After choosing the transfer type the process will pick up as it was before and continue on with the same workflow.