Adding Users

School Setup > Users > Add New

Follow the following steps to create/delete accounts. Find the User Manager on the left navigation bar. 

To add an account, click ADD NEW

Email: Users email will be used as the login Username. Alerts may be sent to this email address, please make sure it is a valid address. 

Cell Phone: Will be used by the NCHSAA in case of emergency.

User Type: Principals, ADs, Athletic Trainers should be School Admin. Coaches should be School Users. 

Sport Permissions: All sports/activities that are checked off here, will show on your Home Campus account. Please make sure that only the sports/activities your school offers are checked off. 

If you are adding an account for a Coach, please make sure they are only given access to the sport/activity they are associated with.  

Modules: These are the left navigation menu items that you are giving this User permissions to access. Decide what you would like your School Admin/School Users to have access to and check it off here. This list will grow over time. 

Active Year: Choose the current school year.

Deleting an Account

 Delete an account by clicking on the red X next to the User Account to delete the account from your School.